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This girl's April Fools' joke backfired in the worst way possible

Probably best not to joke in matters of the heart.

APRIL FOOLS’ DAY 2015 is (thankfully) drawing to a close. There have been good jokes. There have been terrible jokes. And there have been spectacular misfires, like this one.

For the day that’s in it, Hayleigh McBay decided to prank her boyfriend with that old chestnut, the fake breakup.

But unfortunately for her, he took it a bit more seriously than she’d hoped:

Hayleigh has since clarified that they haven’t broken up – her boyfriend was just far, far too quick for her.

The actual relief.

YouTube’s contribution to April Fools’ Day is a joy to behold>

Miriam O’Callaghan wore a choker on Prime Time and Twitter couldn’t cope>

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